Sunflower District
Goodland, St Francis, Sharon Springs
Sunflower Extension District is comprised of offices in Cheyenne County, Sherman County and Wallace County. We provide service and information in Agronomy, Family and Health, Livestock, Gardening and 4-H and Youth. Our staff is available in all three counties. To find information on the staff and their location, click the Contact Us button below
March 31, 2025
Sherri's Retirement Party
3:00 - 4:30 PM
Assembly Room, Courthouse
Mar. 28th - Sunflower District Regionsl 4-H Days | |
Mar. 30th - DUE: CN Local Scholarships | |
Mar. 31st - Sherri Keith's Retirement Party | |
Apr. 4th - First Friday E-Call | |
Apr. 4th - DUE: SH Local Jr. Leaders Scholarship Applications | |
Apr. 9th - Way out West Livestock Judging | |
Apr. 9th - Remote Work Wednesdays | |
Apr. 11th - CN - Protecting your Skin | |
Apr. 15th - SH - Protecting your Skin | |
Apr. 16th - WA- Protecting you Skin | |
Apr. 21st - SH - Small Animal Weigh In | |
Apr. 23rd - Grant Writing Basics | |
May. 7th - Grant Writing Basics | |
May. 10th - CCC Classic Livestock Show | |
May. 22nd - The Garden at North Community Service Day |