Upcoming Events

Register by January 12 to guarantee receiving a workbook: https://www.agmanager.info/.../leaving-lasting-legacy...
Because of sponsorships (Western State Bank, FNB, Outdoor Bank, Eastern Colorado Bank, Farm Credit of Western Kansas, The Bank), the Goodland site only has a $10 per person charge payable at the door and includes all four nights meals and educational materials.
Sherman County Fairground 4-H Building from 4 to 7 PM (MT)
The program schedule is as follows:
• January 21, 2025: Motivation for Succession Planning - A Personal Story
• January 28, 2025: Family Communication around Estate and Transition Planning - Ashlee Westerhold and LaVell Winsor, K-State Ag Economics
• February 4, 2025: Financial Aspects of Estate and Transition Plans - Jessica Groskopf, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension
• February 11, 2025: Legal Aspects of Putting Your Plan into Place - Holly Dobbs, Esq., Dobbs & Folz, LLC
Network with others in agriculture and develop strategies to evaluate and improve your estate and transition plans. According to US Census data, 70% of U.S. farmland will transfer to the next generation in the next 20 years. The impact of farms transitioning, either successfully to the next generation or unsuccessfully in the form of a land and estate sale, has implications for rural communities and rural prosperity. As farms become fewer and larger, population decline has hurt many rural areas, affecting the economic viability of more than just those directly on farms.
This hands-on evening workshop series will provide educational presentations and resources to motivate participants to start the farm transition planning process, or review their current transition plan. Communication, financial, and legal aspects will all be covered. The goal is for participants to acquire knowledge they can apply directly to their own farm/ranch situation.
Participants are encouraged to attend the entire 4-part series, as sessions build upon each other.
A fully online option is available for $75.00 for family members that may live out of state or people that cannot participate in an in-person site.